
In May of 2019, a 48 hours game jam was organized by some lecturers at Coventry University. The theme for this game jam was “Relationship”. I and my friend formed a team and participated.

After some brainstorming, we came up with the idea to make a game about a helium atom that was supposed to go around and collect protons, electrons and neutrons floating around and become so heavy that a black hole would be formed. I programmed the functionality behind the movement (playable atom mass decided in which level of depth player could move around, if the player gained too many particles for a certain level they would get pushed down or if lost – pushed up), particle spitting (which allowed the player to change atoms mass or disable positively or negatively charged magnets, that would push or attract the player based on the charge differences), particle absorption, NPC movement.

We used the Unity game engine and programmed in C#

Link to the project